Archives for July 2017
You might be, too. But there are others who are not. I’m growing resentful. Calling different public welfare and other benefits “entitlements” is misleading, mis-characterizing, obfuscatory and just plain wrong. Here’s something I don’t get. Of all the waste and such in government, what are Veterans’ benefits, Social Security and Medicare, (benefits that are TRUE
Congress is STILL fighting over how to get rid of Obamacare, Europe is destroying itself by being politically correct . This and more on this addition of Political QRM
Oh, dear reader! Please don’t take this in the wrong way! I am still way to the right of Genghis Khan. Joe McCarthy still looks at me and thinks: “DAY-UM!”. The Duke and Ronald Reagan are in heaven wondering why they never shook my hand. But there’s a lot at stake in the next many
Area of CONCERN. Even if you only ever visit websites that begin with “WWW” you’ll see evidence of this. Lots of evidence. I am seeing more and more websites, (replete with spam and traffic tracking engines), actively seeking people to don camouflage clothing, buy military surplus or new commercially made gear, (or kit, as some
In every topic we cover in this edition, the lefties all over the world are going nuts. From protests in the US to the riots in Hamburg, they never rest. They’re running scared. Some of the topics this week: North Korea, the “religion of Peace” latest atrocities, and of course, the Dems never ending whining
The libs’ heads are exploding due to the latest Trump tweet. We focus on their reaction Other topics: Kate’s Bill, Islam runs amok in Europe (say bye-bye) and the “opioid crisis” All this and more on this edition of Political QRM