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September 14, 2024

Archives for December 2010

Merry Christmas

In this most important season please take time to remember and silently thank those that have given their lives for our country. Our men and women in the armed forces have given so much to keep our freedoms alive.  Their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families have enabled America to be free and allowed

The inmates are in charge of the asylum..

It came as a shock to ABC News reporter Diane Sawyer that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper had no idea of the 12 terror- related arrests in Great Britain on Monday. This important intelligence item was on the 24 hour news programs and was given ample time even on the liberal networks, not

START? Sounds like an ending for us…

The START treaty is being pushed through the Senate before the Christmas recess.  Why? Why are they so afraid to wait until the new members come in? The administration keeps saying it’s a good treaty.. It’s not. It would restrict America’s ability to put up missile defense systems. Now with the Soviets (yes, I know


There are a few things regarding the Wikileaks debacle that have me very concerned.  Considering my experience in the intelligence community, all the pieces aren’t part of the same puzzle. First, let’s deal with the army private that is rumored to be the source of the leaks, PFC Bradley Manning.  He was stationed in Iraq

President _____ (fill in the blank)

The live press conference yesterday with Obama and Bill Clinton was simply surreal. The fact that Obama brought in Bill Clinton not because he was having  problems with the Republicans. No, no. No, he couldn’t convince or even cajole members of his own party to support this tax legislation.   As the  leader of the Democratic