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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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July 27, 2024

Archives for November 2016


This one is far too important for me to copy, paste, edit, etc in a document format, (or two). I NEED to get this OUT THERE. NOW. Pardon my “sp” and “gr” errata, please! I am already hearing from many quarters that families and friends are throwing hope, faith and charity out the window, along

Bind Our Wounds.

The intensity of last night has drained me deeply. I’ve been “up & around” for a couple of hours, but I’ve been writing two different essays for Political-qrm and Minds, to which this is only a prelude. I will be recording a post election podcast w/ cugina Ann Marie at some time today, which will

PQRM#86 Hillary’s Server: A Path to Treason?

This week, Ann Marie puts out the hypothesis that Hillary had a private server to enable foreign governments to access classified information,  all the while claiming hacking took place which would enable her to claim plausible deniability. Also, we revisit the attacks on Trump’s recorded words: what type of woman would he be talking about?? And the