Archives for September 2013
We had a small break from our last podcast, so we tried to touch on as many issues as we could in this session. The Washington Navy Yard massacre perpetrated by a mentally ill person, another tragedy that could have been avoided if that person was off the streets. We also discuss the changes pushed
This IS awfully brief and somewhat un-“polished”. It’s more of a “stream-of-consciousness” piece. It is, however, from the heart. In light of the estimated 100-150 K turnout, (as opposed to the thousand or so islamists that showed up for THEIR “million”…) You may or may not know that I worked in the motorcycle industry for
This week’s broadcast starts off with the 110th anniversary of Harley Davidson. We discuss what is happening to the brand and the federal regulations affecting that company and many others in America. Also, we talk about the latest job numbers, the 90Million Americans that have given up looking for work and yet there are the
Obama wants desperately for the United States to bomb Syria based on an unsubstantiated report that Bashar Al-Assad used sarin gas on his people. Granted, he probably does have the weapons that were missing from Iraq when our forces invaded that country, but there are probably military or civilians personnel in his government that are
Syria, Syria, Syria….Our take on the newest Middle East crisis and possibly ‘Obama’s War’. Also, Sen Ted Cruz was in New Hampshire last week and his speech dealt mainly with the goal of defunding Obamacare. C-SPAN attended the gathering and you can see it here. His website, along with Sen Mike Lee has a petition