Archives for June 2017
Because of technical difficulties, we didn’t get out the podcast from last week, so here is a new one.. We’ve put in so much: the latest terror attacks, goings on in DC and commentary on other issues. Hope you enjoy it!
We are a compassionate people. I am a compassionate person. At least I’d like to think so. But we all have limits, don’t we? From the number of times you’ll get a toothache before going to a dentist, the time we’ll spend on hold or the number of times a kid says “mom! mom! mom!”
It seems that there’s an “ist” pejorative for every point-of-view I hold. I have been called a racist. An elitist. Even a fascist. (How come it happens most often when I say ISLAMIST?) I’ve been called a lot of “ists” and “phobes” in the last decade or so. Many people have. I have come to
This time, it’s Ann Marie’s turn to explode. Another traitor is arrested who stole classified NSA info and forwarded it to the press.. And no, she is NOT a hero. Other topics: terror attack in London, Kathy Griffin ( who isn’t talking about her) and the 73rd anniversary of D-Day. All this and more on this
On this day, (The anniversary of the day Billy Joe McAlester jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge), I had JUST sat down. Hadn’t even scrolled yet. Saw a “synopsis” that I want to find the video for, but hadn’t yet. Congressman Kelley, (R-PA), represents the district around Pittsburgh. WHAT happens here is, (just like all of
We find ourselves in the same place as we did 2 weeks ago…dead people at the hands of Islam.. No, not “radical” Islam; just Islam. Erdogan of Turkey said: “There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it” And again we see the collective wringing of hands from the so-called media
Seriously? Do you HONESTLY believe you’re “convincing” anyone that your arguments have ANY merit….AT ALL? Do you really, truly believe that your tactics are doing you any good? Let me clue you in on a secret. It’s not helping. Or, to be more accurate, it IS helping. The RIGHT. Yes, that’s right, the RIGHT. The