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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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February 12, 2025

Archives for September 2017

P-QRM #109: A Lot of Hot Air: Not All of It From Irma..

Between Irma, the celebrities telethon for that disaster, and other topics, there was a lot of hot air blowing around. One of the most interesting topics we deal with is the study put out by the Annenberg Foundation which indicates Americans are poorly informed about our Constitution. You can see the article here : https://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/americans-are-poorly-informed-about-basic-constitutional-provisions Also,

I Carry A Loaded…

Copy of the Constitution. Don’t believe me? Stop me on the street, in the market or anywhere else. I can draw it out almost as fast as I can my weapon. The “pocket” versions of ALL of our foundaing documents are available from many sources. I got mine from the Heritage Foundation, (www.heritage.org), for a

A Blue-eyed Guest Essay, Redux.

This is the second guest essay by a very dear friend of mine. I can only hope, one day, to be able to express sentiments such as this as eloquently as she. Enjoy this, every word, for all it’s worth. I sincerely hope there will be a “#3” and more. Thank you, M’Lady! Where’re We