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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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July 27, 2024

In Memoriam

Lou Mascitello 1956-2020

To anyone who has ever read the essays or listened to Political QRM podcasts you are probably aware that Lou, my co-host, my friend, a person whom I considered a brother had passed away on April 28, 2020.

It was complications due to COVID-19. However, (and I had no idea) he was more ill than he let on.He had a number of illnesses that I was well aware of, but not the fact they had become more severe. Only his wife and a close friend from his military days, Al “his brother” knew all which was going on with Lou. He called Al ‘his brother’ even though they weren’t bound by blood, but a tie forged through their military background, which resulted in a deep and binding friendship that transcended blood ties.

Lou was a man, a real man who the politically correct masses would call a “toxic male”. There was nothing toxic about Lou… He was a man who had no prejudices; who treated everyone with kindness and respect.

He was strong when warranted. If someone attacked him, his wife Debbie of 18 years or his family and friends then he fiercely defended them.

He was a proud American. He served his country well. And don’t ever, EVER, think about disrespecting any aspect of this country or the flag he proudly served under.. That would mean you just used your life insurance policy.

But he had a heart of gold. He would help strangers if he came upon someone who needed it; and his friends and family could always count on him for a sympathetic ear. He was always there for anyone and anytime; no matter how much physical pain he was in himself. Many times I would ask him for his advice regarding issues in my life, my medical condition (we had similar spine issues) and just about anything. He always listened, and then would give me advice or a path I never thought about.. A wise man..

He was an animal lover. Throughout his life he always had a cat or dog and would help out any animal which needed help. He was that type of person. He had a big heart .

We became friends over the internet through an Italian website celebrating our heritage. It was strange, because I noticed a connection right off.. Like family. And we hit it off: like family..

When I decided to do a podcast and the website, there was nobody else I wanted to do it with than Lou. We were a good fit, we understood each other having both heritage and being raised in similar areas of New Jersey in common.

We had our disagreements, of course, but we were always there for each other.. I always had so much fun talking with him (when I could get a word in edgewise during the podcast!) and we would go on for hours..

If something significant occurred in the world or in the political world, I could expect a call from Lou; even if I had planned to call him.. He was always one step ahead of me..

I miss him. I miss him everyday.. There are times when I think of something and reach for the phone and it all comes back to me. I know with the darkness hanging over our country now, he would’ve been in his element, with the podcast and putting out his essays.. He would’ve been furious! And on top of it all and talking, talking, yelling, arguing in that wonderful New Jersey Italian way of his..

So Rest in Peace, dear friend.. My brother. I miss you.

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