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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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May 1, 2024

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P-QRM #129: A Win For the Good Guys

Well, the Kavanaugh drama is over and fairness won out.. Of course if you ask a minuscule number of people: you know, the same people at every protest, they would consider it a tragedy…And that brings us to the funding of these mobs… Also, Hollywood actually believes they have some influence over the American people:

High School Boys.

I grew up in an area with a couple of Catholic schools, (that went to at least 8th grade), 5 public elementary schools, a public Jr., (7th &8th grades),  H.S. and a LARGE public H.S. Yes, the single largest “ethnicity” in town was people of Italian, (or at least Mediterranean*), heritage.  For the most part,

“The Government That Governs Least….”

An “all taxation is theft” and “No government is the best government”. The second part is a derivation of “The government that governs best is the one that governs least”. Generally attributed to Thoreau in his 1849 “Civil Disobedience”  where what he said was “The best government is that which governs least”   Thoreau wasn’t a

P-QRM #125 Like a Bad Penny…

…We keep turning up again!! Yes,  we’re back.. and events are moving at a very fast pace. We’re trying to catch up (yeah, right).. But you know, the more things change, the more they remain the same…On this edition of Political QRM, we continue….

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