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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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April 26, 2024


P-QRM #109: A Lot of Hot Air: Not All of It From Irma..

Between Irma, the celebrities telethon for that disaster, and other topics, there was a lot of hot air blowing around. One of the most interesting topics we deal with is the study put out by the Annenberg Foundation which indicates Americans are poorly informed about our Constitution. You can see the article here : https://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/americans-are-poorly-informed-about-basic-constitutional-provisions Also,

PQRM#86 Hillary’s Server: A Path to Treason?

This week, Ann Marie puts out the hypothesis that Hillary had a private server to enable foreign governments to access classified information,  all the while claiming hacking took place which would enable her to claim plausible deniability. Also, we revisit the attacks on Trump’s recorded words: what type of woman would he be talking about?? And the

P-QRM#77: In Remembrance of 9/11

We devote much of this podcast to the 15th anniversary of the attack on our country on September 11, 2001. Even though this was released a few days later, we think that whenever we talk about the attack on 9/11 it is current. Things have gotten worse in this country and the world since that time, yet

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