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April 25, 2024

The New GOP: the Republican Wing of the Democratic Party

So far, this election season is one of the most contentious I remember in my lifetime; and I’ve been watching politics since 1968. (No comments from the peanut gallery, please.)

The GOP’s  attempt to put in their latest milquetoast of a candidate, good old JEB!, was a dismal failure. They believed, in their heart of hearts that the GOP voting public would blindly fall in line, mark the space next to his name in their voting booths and follow him all the way to the failure line. No such luck this time.

After 7 years of a president who made it clear he hates America, despises the excellence we’ve been know for throughout the world, attempts to change our history by inserting non-existing Muslim accomplishments in our founding history and our laws through executive orders, the American public woke up. During those seven years whenever Americans looked to the GOP for help, for someone to put a stop to Obama’s wholesale sellout of this country, we were given excuses. First, it was: we don’t have the House.. The House controls the budget: we can’t do anything. No problem. The American voting public gave the GOP the House in 2010.. Then the mental midgets elected a Speaker who could do nothing but drink and cry… Geez, it was very annoying to see him blubber like a baby all the time. I’ve seen 2 year olds with more control after they took a tumble.

But, it wasn’t over! The next excuse of the GOP was: we don’t have the Senate. So, we gave them the Senate in 2014. And they were shocked!, shocked I tell you, that we expected them to fight against Obama’s third world despotic leadership.

And, in the middle of all the excuses, the foot dragging, the rubber stamping Obamacare, illegal immigration and backing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, another NAFTA -like creation that would see jobs and companies leave this country, we finally saw the truth. It was like a smack across the face.

The truth? The Republican Party, the Grand Old Party, the Party of Lincoln has become nothing more but a wing of the Democratic Party: the Republican Wing of the Democratic Party. There is no more GOP. Face it. That went by the wayside long ago. When Ronald Reagan left office it was the last time we had a leader who actually cared about Americans and America.

The GOP followers, those faithful people who put up posters, went to rallies, gave parties, money and their time and who went to the polls for the GOP elites’ chosen candidate but in the end, experienced loss after loss after loss decided they were tired of being disappointed.  Yet, those people who gave us Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, John McCain and yes, the two Bushes, expected us to fall in line again.. The nerve. It’s as if they purposefully pick a candidate who couldn’t win even against the weakest Democrat. Interesting concept, wouldn’t you say?

Now, the Republican wing of the Democratic Party is scrambling because the PEOPLE are choosing their candidate. Cries of horror; running to all the political news shows wringing hands, condemnations of us and the front runner. Tearing their collective hair out, rending of clothing , crying…well, okay, not really, but it sure looks that way.

The candidate? Yes, I’m talking about Donald Trump. I could almost hear the laughter in GOP circles when he announced. They’re not laughing any more, are they?

The efforts by the elites: Mitt Romney, Karl Rove in their support of the weaker candidates: Rubio and Kasich are laughable. My G-d, do they think we’re going to become one of the sheeple again? Stupidity on their part.

But it’s not over. They are going to attempt a brokered convention, splitting the delegates, so their chosen one can once again pick up the mantle of GOP leadership, hold it high over his head and go headlong into the failure chapter of the annals of history.

This is a last ditch effort to keep their power. They are panicking and will do anything to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the nominee. And, yes I do support him. More about that in my next column.

Rubio and Kasich are counting on the illegal vote (don’t laugh: I’ll bet many do vote).Cruz: well, I did support Cruz, but he seems to be a combination of a pastor and smarmy politician when he now speaks… Something has changed in his demeanor and it makes me uneasy. Some of the GOP elites are coming to Cruz’s side now: the same ones who once hated him.. Politics is funny. That old adage of the enemy of my enemy…is playing out in this election.

Their forces are split. They’re scrambling to prop up one of the other three to prevent Trump from taking the nomination. It would be almost laughable if their inane efforts just might put Hillary into the White house. . But not so far fetched when you consider everything, is it? Maybe it was their intention all along..and the Donald is not falling in line… something to consider.

When Donald Trump becomes the nominee I’ll bet we’ll see many of the faithful GOP elites, the same ones who time and time again told us we had to come together as a party and throw our support to the chosen nominee won’t follow their own advice. Oh, they’ll be out there all right: but this time, I’ll bet they’ll be coming out for Hillary..



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