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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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May 5, 2024


P-QRM #46: It’s Getting Very Busy…..

On this edition of Political QRM, we start with remembering actress Julie Harris; a true artist and actress. This of course brings us down the road examining the lack of talent in today’s crop of Hollywood celebrities and how the American public embraces them. And of course, fmr Sen Scott Brown (MA) shows his RINO

NSA: Obama’s Charlie McCarthy?

The lid has been blown off of the Obama administration’s misuse of the National Security Agency’s capabilities. This latest scandal has damaged our national security and the intelligence agency’s credibility to the extent that it may take years to recover. The whistleblower, Edward Snowden, who was first a CIA employee, then a contractor with Booz

P-QRM#42: Obama and the Non-Existent Terrorist Attacks Against the US

This latest edition of PoliticalQRM deals with the two most recent terrorist attacks agains the US: Benghazi and Boston. The Benghazi hearings start on Wednesday, May 8 and three whistleblowers from the Benghazi consulate are scheduled to testify. Information already released is rocking the political world and should be quite interesting. Boston is still reeling

P-QRM #41: A New Party???

Well we continue with the Boston terrorist attack and the possibility that yes, the Saudi national who was originally taken into custody may still be involved. Unfortunately, he has left the country, so we may never know.. Also, there has been so much frustration with the nitwits in the GOP that many people are looking

P-QRM #40: Boston under attack…

This podcast was supposed to occur on our usual day, but our schedules didn’t mesh. Funny how things happen…. There was a terrorist attack on Boston; 2 explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. At last count 3 are confirmed dead, and over 100 wounded. Supposedly, a Saudi national is being treated for

P-QRM#38: The ____ Egg and Bunny

It was a busy Easter Sunday on the show. First off, the word ‘Easter’ was banned from an elementary school in Alabama. We found it strange that some school administrator would actually have the guts to say that in the Bible Belt….but it takes all kinds… Als0, Johns Hopkins gave itself the dubious distinction of

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