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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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May 6, 2024


Mille Masqueras

Many Moons ago, when I was a kid, (ALL “old goats” start out as KIDS, after all), I watched wrestling on channel 9, WOR. ALL the greats! Bruno Sammartino. Gorilla Monsoon. Pedro Morales, MILLE MASQUERAS. MM was a part of the “Lucha Libre” school of wrestling out of Mexico. Masks were and are still commonplace

P-QRM #63: FBI Director Comey: Another One Bites the Dust…

We put together a quickie regarding the FBI’s investigation into Hillary’s email “collection”. Obviously with the decision by the FBI, both Lou and Ann Marie are just a little perturbed…even though we did expect it.. So here it is in all it’s glory: on this abbreviated version of Political QRM.

P-QRM#61: Brexit!!

Congratulations and a big Thank You to the people of the UK who had the courage and voted to leave the European Union. Lou and Ann Marie discuss the monumental vote, some of the reaction and who will lead the exodus of Great Britain out of the EU. Also: the Children’s Hour starring the Democratic

P-QRM60: An Attack on Americans…

We of course start off with the terror attack in Orlando. Also, the race for the White House: a no-brainer… And Speaker Ryan opens his mouth and inserts foot again… In addition, we  hop across the pond (figuratively of course!) to discuss the upcoming Brexit vote… All this and more on this week’s Political QRM

P-QRM#59 Stuff Happens….

Because we have lives, Lou and I weren’t able to get out a podcast last week. So, this week, we do a little catch-up and focus on, what else? the presidential race. The San Jose riots proved that the illegals in this country are getting out of hand.. and also the communists and socialists who

As A Corollary to My Colleague…

As a corollary… Much of my immediate family came here “onna da boat” from the “olda country”. My father and one of his sisters were born here. The other sister and his nine brothers were born in Italy. ALL of them, (except Nonno, Grandpop), became citizens of the United States. Even Nonna, (Grandmom), studied and

Obama’s Foray into Your Child’s Bathroom…

Warning: some comments in this article may offend the special snowflakes of our culture who constantly need cuddling and affirmation.. To them I say: TOUGH. Don’t read it.. Obama, in his last months of his ‘reign’, is throwing monkey wrenches into our culture. His edict that transgender children should be permitted to use the school bathroom

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