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Above the Noise, Not Part of It

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July 26, 2024

Posts by: Lou

“The Government That Governs Least….”

An “all taxation is theft” and “No government is the best government”. The second part is a derivation of “The government that governs best is the one that governs least”. Generally attributed to Thoreau in his 1849 “Civil Disobedience”  where what he said was “The best government is that which governs least”   Thoreau wasn’t a

“Lou, You Nazi!”

“GRAMMAR”, that is. I have been “into” computers since the advent of the PC. I believe it was 1989, maybe ’90. That works out to plus or minus twenty-eight years. In the last twenty I haven’t seen a single program into which you type words, (not code), that doesn’t have a spell checker. Many of

Only A DJ Could…

…create a mashup such as this! First let me say this, as it’s one of the MOST common of the errata of the last week. The “Right of the people to keep and bear arms” is NOT a “Constitutional Right”. It is a NATURAL RIGHT. As some would say, a G-D GIVEN RIGHT. The Second

From SNAP to USDA “Boxes”?

I think I should chime in on this. Here’s my tuppence. It’s a “good” idea. Not a GREAT idea, but a good one.  Come on along and I’ll try to explain. Years ago my Mom worked at a food bank for senior citizens. They gave out such things a “guvamint cheese”, peanut butter, dry milk

A GIANT among men. Period.

We’ve seen some very dramatic changes in the world of scouting in the last few years. What if I told you there was a GIANT among the men who have led the boys of the BOY SCOUTS to go on to become Eagles, pilots, doctors, lawyers and business leaders? What If I were to tell


I didn’t coin this portmanteau, Greg Gutfeld did. But it is, unfortunately, not only apropos but a “keeper”. We shouldn’t be surprised, really. After all, the “casting couch” has been around since Edison built the “Black Mariah” in his yard in West Orange. Probably before. Might even go back to the Globe Theater in England

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